BFN, 5DP5DT, ERA, IVF, BFP.. If you know these terms, we are you 😪 If not, I would give anything to be you.

INFERTILITY… it’s even hard to write. Let alone explain what this word means to me.

This is a “teaser” to the blog of our own real, personal, very tough journey (My Venting Vagina) Im doing it so for those of you that know of our story you can really come along. And for those of you who happen to be in the midst of a FB stalk, with no idea, can get an idea.

I wanted to post this when we were at the end.. when there was a “happily ever after”. So you could oogle over our rainbow baby 🌈 (another term only a few can fully appreciate) so you could comment “oh how it’s all so worth it now!” “You are so strong!”

But.. what if that never happens. What if it’s not all worth it. It’s the barrel Matt and I are staring down now. New terms for us to learn? Surrogacy, adoption, caregivers etc.

If you know us, you will know we were made to parent together (to have a whole bunch of kids on the back of the Hilux). We love kids! Probably because we are big kids ourselves.

It’s such a bitter pill to swallow.. INFERTILITY.

And ours is even more horrible as it’s unexplained secondary infertility with reoccurring failed implantation. (Which in human words means.. we have no idea what’s wrong, it’s a numbers game, good luck and thanks for 30+ thousand dollars).

I don’t mean that to sound nasty to the fertility clinics, but some days I do wonder if they are just shoving water up there and asking for money. As I don’t know.. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So much trust and faith goes into someone you don’t know. You just hope they know their shit and they dont gasp when you open your legs 😅🤦🏻‍♀️

Honestly before I became apart of this “club” I thought IVF was for people with “no working parts” and some magic happened and they got a baby. IVF = baby. 👶 It almost seemed glamerous/ on trend/ fool proof/ easy! It wasn’t for couples like us..

No one posts about the unsuccessful stories, everyone keeps going or stays silent..

So here is my/ our story from my eyes.